Angels can Fly, a Modern Clown User Guide

Alan Clay's book on clown, Angels can Fly,  includes a mix of fiction which follows the adventures of ten clown characters, some personal clown anecdotes, a total of 50 practical clown exercises, and some theory on the nature of modern clown. Find reviews and more information here.

The free Microsoft Reader eBook version of Angels Can Fly, a Modern Clown User Guide, has now been withdrawn, however you can purchase the book cheaply in one of the eBook formats below.

Kindle Reader
Angels Can Fly has been released for Amazon's Kindle Reader. This is available for all mobile devices including the Blackberry, iPhone, iPad and Android phones, as well as for the Mac and PCs. Buy the Kindle edition for US$9.99 from Amazon.

iPad Reader
Angel's Can Fly has been released for the Apple iPad and can be purchased through the iBooks app at iTunes. (US$9.99)

Kobo Reader
The eBook can also be purchased for the Kobo reader through Whitcoulls (NZ$10.95) or Borders (Aus$9.95).

"The Angels Can Fly eBooks are my recommended way to read this book, because you can search the text and the exercise prerequisites and co-requisites are linked for easy reference. The paperback however does include over 70 photographs." Alan Clay Buy the paperback on Amazon 

And while you are here, why not check out Alan Clay's clown film, Moontan, which was shot in October 2006 in Wanganui, New Zealand, staring Annette Devick from Canada and Mark Hudson from Australia.

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Last updated 24 May 2011